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the 6th youth trekker Wanted campaign is back!!

发表于 2013-6-25 11:09:02
It's summer time!! what is your plan for summer vacation?!
How about travel to Taiwan!!
Now Taiwan is offering up to $3,000 to international youth for travelling Taiwan!!
this activity is sponsored by the Ministry of Education’s YouthDevelopment Administration (YDA) and its predecessor National Youth Commission,the Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign assists youth from around the world to maketheir Taiwan travel dreams come true. Now, the 6th Youth TrekkersWanted Campaign wants your creative ideas for a Taiwan youth trek itinerary lastingat least 10 days. Winners will be eligible for cash incentive awards ofUS$2,000 - $3,000. Submissions will be accepted until July 14th,2013 and eligibility is open to all international youth 18 to 30 years of age.
What are you waiting for?!
Don't miss this great opportunity to travel Taiwan for free and make your summer unforgettable
for more information, please visit our activity official website
发表于 2013-8-21 09:06:51
全是些鸟语啊 ,额呵呵呵
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