桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
魅力夜城 Charming Night City
富春江夜游 江枫渔火,夜色朦胧,乘坐精美画舫;飘飘荡荡,借着皎洁的月光,欣赏桐君山的动感音乐灯光秀和富春江两岸的美丽夜景,感怀一场属于夜的盛世狂欢。 地址:桐君街道桐君山脚 电话:0571-64622945 票价:100元/人(需提前预定) 时间:19:00起航 Fuchun River Night Tour Under the bright moonlights, the night tour by cruise on the Fuchun River takes visitors to enjoy the music light show on the Mountain of Mr. Tong and the beautiful river nightscape, to have an impressive night carnival. Address: At the foot of the Mountain of Mr. Tong, Tongjun Disctict Tel: 0571-64622945 Price: RMB 100/person(Advanced booking required) Time: Set sail at 19:00
春江花月夜 《春江花月夜》是一台大型地域文化主题舞台剧目。以富春山水风光、桐庐人文情愫以及现代城市风貌为主要内容,传统的舞台设计和现代舞美理念相结合,特色浓郁、色彩绚烂,唯美大气。 地址:大奇山路488号桐庐剧院 电话:0571-58568236 The Moonlit Flowery Night on the Spring River The drama “The Moonlit Flowery Night on the Spring River” is a large regional cultural theme state play. With a combination of traditional stage design and modern dance, it shows Fuchun landscapes, Tonglu humanity, and modern city, full of local features, splendid colors and natural beauty. Address: 488 Daqishan Road, Tonglu Theater Tel: 0571-58568236
朝霞美食街 桐庐朝霞美食街,是一条集休闲、娱乐、美食为一体的“城市慢生活走廊”,美食街汇聚了桐庐地方特色餐饮美食、烧烤以及国内知名的民间小吃,让游客在闲暇之余体验别样的惬意生活。 地址:桐庐县城南街道朝霞路 电话:0571-58505799 Sunrise Street of Delicacies Tonglu Sunrise Street of Delicacies, is a “Leisure Life Urban Corridor” with a collection of leisure, entertainment and catering, which serves Tonglu local foods, BBQ, and famous folk snacks, aiming to let visitors experience a unique leisure life. Address: Zhaoxia Road, Chengnan District, Tonglu County Tel: 0571-58505799
国际旅游访问点 International Tourist Attractions 叶浅予艺术馆(桐庐民间剪纸艺术馆) 桐庐叶浅予艺术馆地处中心广场黄金地段,是一处以展示桐庐籍国画大师叶浅予书画作品和全国优秀民间剪纸艺术作品的综合性展馆,是艺术家创作交流和艺术品展览的场所,也是国内外游客体验传统文化的平台。 地址:大奇山路519号 电话:(0571)58507877 Ye Qianyu Art Gallery (Tonglu Folk Paper-cutting Art Gallery) Ye Qianyu Art Gallery, located in the central Tonglu square, is a comprehensive exhibition hall to show the painting and calligraphy works of Ye Qianyu, the national painting master born in Tonglu, and also show the national excellent folk paper-cutting art works. It is a place for artists to communicate and exhibit works of art, and also a platform for visitors to experience the traditional culture. Address: 519 Daqishan Road Tel: (0571)58507877
巴比松米勒度假庄园 庄园位于大奇山国家森林公园旁,是一个独具法国风情的大型度假庄园。“向日葵花海节”、“夏季音乐节”、水果采摘、摄影比赛等活动,深受游客喜爱,上海德国外国语学校将庄园作为户外教学基地。 地址:城南街道大奇山路1088号 电话:(0571)64608500 Barbizon Miller Holiday Manor The manor, next to the Daqi Mountain National Forest Park, is a large French-style holiday resort. Fun activities held in the manor such as “Sunflower Festival”, “Summer Music Festival”, fruit-picking program, photography contest are very popular with tourists, and it also serves as a field trip base of Shanghai Germany Foreign Language School. Address: 1088 Daqishan Road, Chengnan District Tel: (0571)64608500
蜂之语·蜜蜂王国 蜂之语·蜜蜂王国,是一个参观游览、休闲、趣味、餐饮、购物为主的,展示蜂文化为主题的农业、科技相结合的科技园。园区共分:蜜蜂花卉生态园、生产线、有机蜂场、蜂文化博物馆、餐厅、大型购物商场六部分。游客可参观蜂产品加工过程,还可体验摇蜂蜜、取皇浆、刮蜂蜡、做蜡烛等趣味活动。 地址:桐庐经济开发区320国道旁 电话:13805761979 The Bees Words, the Kingdom of Bees The Bees Words, the Kingdom of Bees is a bee culture them park combining agriculture and technology, providing tour, leisure and fun, catering and shopping. The park is divided into 6 parts: bee & flower ecology garden, production lines, organic bee farms, bee culture museum, restaurants, and large shopping mall. Tourists can observe the bee products processing, and also experience several fun activities like shaking honey, picking jelly, scraping bee wax, and making candles. Address: Beside G 320 National Highway, Tonglu Economic Development Zone Tel: 13805761979
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