中新网北京7月28日电(蒋鲤)近日,世卫组织发布新冠肺炎疫情的第二阶段病毒溯源计划,该计划将“中国违反实验室规程造成病毒泄漏”这一假设作为研究重点之一。中方对此已明确表示不可能接受。 自新冠疫情暴发以来,美国不止一次地在没有任何证据的情况下大肆炒作所谓“新冠病毒武汉实验室泄漏论”,企图将病毒溯源政治化。这一计划不得不让人联想到,是在呼应美国等个别国家鼓噪的“实验室泄漏论”。 所谓“实验室泄漏论”纯属无稽之谈。世卫组织今年3月底发布的中国-世卫组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究报告表明,新冠病毒“极不可能”通过实验室引入人类。多国科学家包括美国白宫首席医学顾问福奇博士也表示,目前没有任何具体证据表明新冠病毒是从实验室泄漏的。然而,美国政府无视科学权威,始终拒绝这一结论,甚至还要求国内情报部门90天内提交新冠病毒起源的调查报告,让这一本来应该是科学界专家的工作变成了部分政客大肆喧嚣的“政治游戏”。“情报溯源”何其荒唐! 美国打着调查“实验室泄漏论”的旗号一再针对中国,目的就是为了对抗中国和找“替罪羊”。正如英国作家、政治和国际关系分析人士汤姆·福迪在“今日俄罗斯”新闻网发表文章所说,除非宣布中国“有罪”,否则任何结论都不足以让华盛顿满意。 “实验室泄漏论”本就是美国臆测,在没有任何真实证据的情况下就对中国进行有罪推定,妄图让中国背锅,这就是美国口中的“科学溯源”吗?这分明是对科学、对专业的亵渎和抹黑。 病毒溯源应是科学的、专业的、客观的,绝不应该成为任何一国牟取政治利益的工具。近60个国家致函世卫组织,认同第一阶段溯源研究成果,反对溯源政治化图谋,这足以表明国际社会的公义所在和人心向背。美国炒作新冠病毒“实验室泄漏论”,甩锅推责,散播政治病毒,司马昭之心路人皆知,国际社会看得清清楚楚。 U.S. targeting China on coronavirus tracing 'a global open secret' By John Lee (ECNS) -- China on Thursday declined a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase investigation into the COVID-19 origin that includes the hypothesis it could have been leaked from a Chinese laboratory. The plan has been compromised by political manipulation and disrespect of scientific facts, said Zeng Yixin, deputy head of the National Health Commission, on Thursday. This plan seems to echo the so-called "lab-leak" theory that has been hyped based on zero proof by countries like the U.S. since the outbreak of COVID-19. The "lab-leak" theory has been refuted by scientists many times. It is "extremely unlikely" the novel coronavirus spread to humans through a laboratory leak, according to the joint study report by the WHO and Chinese scientists released at the end of March this year. Besides, scientists worldwide including Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser on COVID-19 to the U.S. president, stated that there is no evidence the coronavirus is a "lab-leak" result. However, the U.S. refuses to accept the scientific conclusion and has resorted to its intelligence community, ordering the department to report on the origin tracing investigation in 90 days. A scientific task becomes a political game, how ridiculous! The U.S.' continuous incitement of investigations into China in terms of an origins study has revealed its ulterior motives -- to antagonize China and make it the scapegoat of the pandemic. The U.S. and its allies will never be satisfied with any other outcome other than one which forces China to be responsible for the pandemic, according to British political and international relations analyst Tom Fowdy on Russia Today. The so-called "lab-leak" hypothesis put forward by the U.S. presumes guilt against China before further investigation. Where is the country's scientific spirit? Origins study should be scientific, professional and objective. It should never be utilized by any country to further political interests. Roughly 60 countries have submitted a joint letter to the WHO, expressing their support for the origins study achievements of the first phase and refusal to politicize the scientific question, but the U.S. keeps spreading a "political virus" and targeting China on coronavirus origin tracing. Its evil intension is nothing but an open global secret. |
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