61 Disculpame me equivoque de numero de mensaje !
?Cómo te va? (你过得怎么样?)
A: Hola, guapa, ?cómo te va?
Hi, beautiful, how’s it going for you? 好啊,美女,怎么样啊?
B: Bien, bien. Y tú, ?qué tal?
Good, good. What about you? What’s up? 挺好,你呢,最近如何?
A: Todo bien, gracias.
Everything’s fine, thank you! 都很好,谢谢
B: Me alegra...
That makes me happy! 那不错哦!
guapo Adjective beautiful,漂亮的
bien Adverb good,好
?qué tal? Phrase what’s up? 怎么样,问候语
todo Pronoun all,全部的
gracias Noun (f ) thanks,谢谢
Extra Vocabulario
lindo Adjective pretty,漂亮的
bello Adjective beautiful,漂亮的
estar contento Phrase to be happy,快乐的,高兴的
mal Adverb badly,糟糕的,不好的
normal Adverb normal,正常的
regular Adverb so so,就这样,像往常一样
fenomenal Adverb great,好极了,很不错
fatal Adverb really badly ,很糟糕,糟糕极了 |