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桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
富春民宿 Folk Houses and Village Inns in Funchun 秘境•山乡生活 秘境藏在海拔800米的山谷之中,面朝梯田、背靠竹林、云雾环绕、溪水就从屋旁的山涧流下。土坯墙、老木头这些乡村原始的材料让老屋散发本来的美,房间有可以劈柴生火的壁炉、原木手柄的手工牙刷、复古的吊扇,在这里能享受最淳朴的“田园梦”。 地址:莪山乡新丰村戴家山 电话:15268805777 “Fairyland·Country Life” Folk House This folk house, called “Shanxiangshenghuo” in Chinese, is a well-equipped mountain stream lodge, hidden in a tranquil valley, 800 meters high above sea level. With clouds around, the inn is facing rice terrace, backed by bamboo forests. Its adobe walls and raw old wood furniture exude the beauty of the original. Inside the inn, guestrooms are equipped with vintage ceiling fans and wood burning fireplaces, even bathrooms are provided with wooden handled toothbrushes. Here, you can enjoy the most authentic “pastoral dream”. Address: Daijiashan, Xinfeng Village, Eshan Town Tel:15268805777
云夕•戴家山 民宿位于莪山畲族乡戴家山,这是一个安静偏远的小村庄。这里的角角落落无不透露着设计者的独具匠心,用畲族彩带上的符号纹样转换成马赛克饰面图案;独栋别墅眺望出去的那片竹海;当地制作的扫帚草绑扎围成的围栏……还有先锋云夕图书馆,供给你的精神食粮。 地址: 杭州市桐庐县莪山畲族乡戴家山村 电话:0571-58507711 “Clouds·Daijiashan” Folk House This folk house, called “Yunxi Daijiashan” in Chinese, is located in Daijiashan, a She ethnic village, peaceful and far from the city center. Every corner in this B&B reveals the originality and intelligence of its designer. Inside the room, patterns on the mosaic tiles are inspirations from the traditional colored ribbons of She ethnic group. Outside the room, fences are built with local broom grass. Here, villas are constructed with spectacular bamboo forest view. And the distinctive Yunxi Library offers visitors food for minds. Address: Daijiashan Village, She Ethnic Area, Eshan Town, Tonglu, Hangzhou Tel:0571-58507711
厚院•郑城村舍 民宿整体建筑风格按着郑城老村落原貌,以乡土建材改造,每栋楼均设有独立厨房、餐厅、客厅,有各类客房24间/套,各栋楼装修以原木、中式、日式等风格做为设计背景,让你体验不一样的住宿感觉。 地址:横村镇白云村郑城 电话:0571-28833007 “Courtyard·Zhengcheng ” Folk House This folk house, called “Houyuan Zhengcheng” in Chinese, was built in the historical style inherited from the indigenous houses of original Zhengcheng village. With a total of 24 rooms, houses are built with local building materials, and each is equipped with an independent kitchen, a dinning hall and a living room. Their interior decoration ranges from traditional Chinese style to Japanese style, in order to offer different holiday experiences. Address: Zhengcheng Country House, Baiyun Village, Hengcun Town Tel: 0571-28833007
不舍•青龙坞 民宿集度假、休闲、旅游、修养、娱乐于一身, 设施包括小型足球场、高尔夫练球场、SPA、泳池、咖啡馆、餐厅等。建筑本身保留了外立面的完整,只在室内利用分割作了重新改造,体验最原始的乡村风情。 地址:富春江镇芦茨村青龙坞组 电话:13868059108 “Reminiscence·Qinglongwu” Folk House Located in Qinglongwu, this folk house, called “Bushe” in Chinese, is suitable for touring, leisure and entertaining activities. It has a small football ground, a golf course, spa, a swimming pool, a café and a restaurant. Being modified from the original house, this building retains the integrity of the original façade, but has resegmented the indoor space. If you want to experience the most primitive country life, this B&B is a must. Address: Qinglongwu, Luci village, Fuchun town Tel: 13868059108
严陵坞慢村 粉墙黛瓦、夯土墙、石坎,民宿保留了原有的建筑特色,生态、低碳的设计理念,融合严陵坞自然山水,提供最舒适的住宿享受。还可以爬山、钓鱼、坐渔船漫游江面,或在宽敞的露台上晒太阳休息、享受日光、呼吸新鲜空气。 地址:富春江镇芦茨村 电话:13601620373 “Yanlingwu Mancun” Village Inn This village inn has retained the original architectural style. Visitors can see the white walls and black tiles, the rammed earth walls, and the stone steps. In order to provide an incredibly comfortable stay, the natural beauty of this area has been integrated in the design, and all the houses here were eco-friendly. Visitors can either go hiking, fishing, boating along the river, or enjoy the sunshine and fresh air in the spacious balcony. Address: Luci Village, Fuchun Town Tel: 13601620373
富春漫舍 座落于富春江国家风景名胜区——严子陵钓台・江南龙门湾景区钓鱼岛上,在这里,你可以一览富春山水,享受至慢生活。 地址:富春江镇江南龙门湾景区钓鱼岛 电话:13161618282
“Fuchun Manshe” Village Inn This village inn is located in the Fishing Island of the Yanzilin Fishing Terrace, in the Fuchun River National Scenic Area. Here you can have a panoramic view of Fuchun River landscape, and enjoy a slow life. Address: Fishing Island, Jiangnan Dragon Bay, Fuchunjiang Town Tel: 13161618282
绿芦驿 芦茨溪畔,茅草铺满屋顶,室内精致的雕梁木栋,配上各种个性装饰,很文艺,处处弥漫着温馨的味道。 地址:富春江镇芦茨村芦茨溪畔(吊桥边) 电话:13666663033 “Lvluyi” Green Folk House This is a riverside folk house, facing the Luci River. Featured by its thatched cottages with exquisite carved beams and painted rafters inside, plus a diversity of personalized interior decoration, this B&B creates a sweet atmosphere. Address: Luci Riverside (near the suspended bridge), Luci Village, Fuchunjiang Town Tel:13666663033
悦延居 两幢三层小楼,外墙全白配原木色栏杆,大大的全景落地玻璃,满园翠绿引入室内,房间亮堂宽敞,带着浓郁的muji风。 地址:白云源景区入口处 电话:13656638265 “Shoshin Village” Folk House This typical Japanese Muji style folk house consists of two three-storied houses, with white façade and wood railing. Equipped with big panoramic glass floor, the rooms are bright and spacious where guests can fully enjoy the outside green garden. Address: Beside the entrance of the Baiyunyuan Scenic Area Tel: 13656638265
木舍 “以木为主,取舍生活”,这是木舍民宿取名的由来。推开木舍厚重的木门,每一间客房都尽量保留着原有古建筑的构造。木舍的餐食也是极有特色,下厨的阿姨曾上过中央电视台,还能品尝一下当地特产灰汤粽,味道都是绝妙。 地址:富春江镇石舍村 咨询电话:0571-69906366 “Mushe” Wooden Folk House Named after the philosophy of simple life living on woods, this folk house is featured by wood lodges. The heavy wooden door to each room leads guests to the original structure of the ancient buildings. Meals served here are very distinctive. The female cook has debuted on TV shows of CCTV (China Central Television). Visitors can also have a taste of the delicious local specialty, gray soup dumplings. Address: Shishe Village, Fuchunjiang Town Tel: 0571-69906366
云夕·深澳里 卵石小巷,明清楼堂,白墙黛瓦……这就是深澳。这里还“藏匿”着一家精品民宿——云夕·深澳里,织布机、桐庐风车、老灶台……扑面而来的文艺气息,油沸馒头、冻米糖、糊麦馃等传统美食,结合当地文化和现代设计,被做成了文艺气质浓厚的“法式大餐”。 地址:江南镇深澳村 电话:13588352088 “Clouds·Shen’ao Li” Folk House This stylish folk house, called “Yunxi Shen’ao Li” in Chinese, sits in Shen’ao village which is famous for its cobble lane streets, Ming & Qing Dynasties buildings, as well as traditional white walls and black tiles. Local looms, Tonglu windmills, and old stoves can be seen around the street corner. Here traditional cuisine, such as fried buns, puffed rice cakes, and salty wheat pancakes, has been integrated with local culture and modern design, and can be compared to “French Cuisine |
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