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fondo 衣服工厂诚招2名做礼服的师傅 工资高 有补贴 备居留 676216830
桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
山野乡趣 Fun in Villages and Mountains 合村生仙里景区(AAA) 合村乡是桐庐县最偏远的山区乡镇,境内九山半水半分田,这里溪水潺潺、峡谷幽幽,呼吸高负氧离子。参观红色文物收藏馆、合村民间文化艺术馆,学做合村绣花鞋,品尝县非遗项目——端锅菜(脸盆菜),晚上入住高凉亭小木屋,满天繁星、晚风拂面,放佛置身于世外桃源。 地址:合村乡 电话:(0571)58503308/58503309
Shenxianli Scenic Area, Hecun Village (AAA) Hecun Village, one of the most remote mountainous villages in Tonglu, is located in the peaceful valley with gurgling streams. In Hecun Village, tourists can visit the Red Revolution Museum and the Folk Art Gallery, learn sewing embroidery shoes, and taste local Duanguo dish which has been awarded as one of the county intangible cultural heritages. At starry night, living in the village log cabins, visitors may feel like staying in a wonderland with breeze brushing over the face. Address: Hecun Village Tel: (0571)58503308/58503309
阳山畈村 阳山畈村有着150多年种桃的历史,故有“世外桃源”的美誉。阳山畈“春赏烂漫桃花,夏尝甜美蜜桃”;桃花谷千亩桃花,赏花采摘、果品交易、开心农场、观光休闲一应俱全。 村落:阳山畈村、双溪村、柳茂村 电话:(0571)64691869 Yangshanfan Village Yangshanfan Village has 150 years’ history of planting peach, thus with a reputation of “Xanadu”. In Yangshanfan village, tourists can enjoy the peach blossom in spring, and taste sweet peaches in summer. There are thousands of acres of peach trees in the Peach Blossom Valley which provides many leisure activities, such as flower tour, fruit trading, and happy farming, etc. Village: Yangshanfan Village, Shuangxi Village, Liumao Village Tel: (0571) 64691869
新龙村 新龙村一面临江,三面环山,“村在林中,家在花中”。游客可赏荷花、百合,垂钓、绿道骑游等,这里保存有衙祥祠古井、古碑长廊、原民国分水县政府遗址,也可游览大路粮油基地,体验“稻田抓鳖”等农事体验乐趣。 村落:新龙村 电话:(0571)64332859 Xinlong Village Facing the Fuchun River and surrounded by mountains on three sides, Xinlong village is nestled in woods and flowers. Visitors can enjoy many leisure activities, such as having a flower tour, going fishing, and riding on the green path etc. Here exist several historical sites, like the ancient well in Yaxiang Temple, the corridor of ancient monuments, the site of Former Fenshui County Government. Tourists also can visit the Dalu Grain & Cooking Oil Manufacturing Base, or experience the village fun like catching turtles in paddy fields. Village: Xinlong Village
富春大岭图 淳朴的山村气息,秀美的田园风光,给了这个村庄不一样的美。合岭村是黄公望《富春大岭图》实景地,合岭水库是“省休闲垂钓中心”,垂钓爱好者纷至沓来。另有裸心园、唐代古驿道、高山香榧基地等丰富的旅游资源。 村落:合岭村、鸿儒村 电话:(0571)64694118 Fuchun Daling Landscape Pure mountainous atmosphere and peaceful rural scenery bring this village unique beauty. The Heling village is the scenic spot of the master painting “Fuchun Daling” by Huang Gongwang, meanwhile Heling reservoir is a provincial leisure fishing center which attracts fishing enthusiasts nationwide. Heling village also contains abundant travelling resources, such as Luoxin Yuan Garden, the ancient path in Tang Dynasty, the high mountain Torreya planting base, etc. Village: Heling Village, Hongru Village Tel: (0571)64694118
梅蓉村 漫步或骑游在沿江绿道和水杉大道上,享受一路绿色风情,时至6月下旬,约上好友出发采摘杨梅。另外还有六一堂、兰花园、李峰文化创意园等景点,都带有浓郁的地域风情。 村落:梅蓉村 电话:(0571)64619031 Meirong Village Walking or riding either on the green riverside roads or the Metasequoia Avenue, tourists may enjoy the natural green landscape. In late June, visiting the village to pick red bayberries with friends is full of fun. What’s more, there are several unique local gardens to visit, such as Liuyitang Park, Orchid Garden, and Lifeng Cultural & Creative Garden. Village: Meirong Village Tel: (0571) 64619031
双坞村 良好的山林生态环境,可在四季果蔬园、双坞精品果园、樱桃采摘基地等体验农业采摘活动,入住三元坨民宿、紫燕山生态农庄,是一处集特色度假疗养、果蔬采摘、农业观光、民宿体验于一体的综合性生态村落景区。 村落:双坞村 电话:(0571)64358026 Shuangwu Village With the nice forest ecological environment, Shuangwu Village is a comprehensive ecological countryside scenic area with a collection of holiday recreation, harvesting, agriculture sightseeing, and home-stay. Visitors can join the agriculture tour to pick fruits and vegetables in the seasonal orchard, Shuangwu orchard and cherry farm, and also can experience both in Sanyuantuo folk houses and the Ziyan Mountain ecological farm. Village: Shuangwu Village Tel: (0571) 64358026 |
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