桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
乡村漫步 Country Walk 富春江(芦茨)乡村慢生活体验区 浙江省首个乡村慢生活体验区,体验慢品茗、慢阅读、慢饮食,享受慢生活。 地址:富春江镇芦茨村、茅坪村、石舍村 电话:0571-64661181 Fuchun River (Luci) Rural Slow Life Experience Area Tonglu has the first rural slow life experience area of Zhejiang Province -- Fuchun River (Luci) Rural slow life experience area. Here tourists can enjoy a slow life by experiencing slow tea-sipping, slow reading, and slow diet. Address: Luci Village, Maoping Village, Shishe Village, Fuchun River Town Tel: 0571-64661181
芦茨村 境内空气清新、风景如画,与东汉古迹严子陵钓台隔江相望,具有深厚的文化底蕴,是品尝山野风味、体验农家生活、享受乡村乐趣的理想之地。 Luci Village With the fresh air and picturesque landscape, Luci Village has rich and profound cultural reserves, facing the ancient relics of Yanzilin Fishing Platform of Eastern Han Dynasty across the Fuchun River. It is an ideal resort for tasting wild foods, experiencing farm life and having fun in countryside.
茆坪村 茆坪村自宋元之际建村,至今有900余年历史,山清水秀,民风淳朴,文化底蕴深厚,自村北向南一条卵石铺筑的马岭古道穿村而过,是一座休闲养生、度假观光为一体的古村。 Maoping Village Maoping Village was founded during Song and Yuan Dynasties more than 900 years ago. The beautiful natural scenery, sincere and honest people, and cultural significance have made it a village of health resort and sightseeing, through which there has been a pebble-paved ancient path called Maling ancient path from north to south.
石舍村 位于桐庐和浦江交界处,山水秀美、气候宜人、山林资源丰富,古建筑是石舍村的一大特色,目前保留有3000多平方米的明清古建筑群。 特色民宿发展迅速,石舍香樟、木舍、方户、树屋等一批高端特色民宿,吸引着城里的人至此感受乡村慢生活。
Shishe Village Shishe Village, with its beautiful landscape, pleasant weather and rich forest resources, is sited on the border between Tonglu and Pujiang. The village features more than 3,000 square meters of ancient complex from Ming and Qing dynasties. Its tourism features a number of high-end folk houses, like Shishe Xiangzhang, Mushe, Square House,Tree House, which all attract more and more urban tourists to enjoy a slow life in the countryside.
畲族民俗村落(AAA) 莪山畲族乡是杭州市唯一的少数民族乡,是畲族文化的集聚地。村落内传统建筑保存完好,梯田、小桥、流水、竹林,错落有致。参观民俗馆,寻访畲乡文化,入住“秘境山乡生活”、“云夕戴家山”等民宿。 村落:戴家山 电话:18658168008 She Ethnic Folk Villages (AAA) Eshan town is the only and unique minority townships within Hangzhou area,with Daijiashan as the major gathering place thus manifestation of She ethnic folk culture. Visitors can find well-reserved traditional buildings, terraces, bridges, streams, bamboo forest, which are laid out with asymmetry and originality. Besides, visiting the She folk museum to learn more about the She customs, or residing at folk houses like “Fairyland· Country Life ” Folk House or “Clouds·Daijiashan” Folk House would be prime choices. Villages: Daijiashan Villages Tel: 18658168008
富春山休闲村落 村落毗邻大奇山国家森林公园、巴比松米勒庄园,生态环境秀美,拥有桐君堂医药馆、太阳山庄、红豆杉养生保健基地等医疗养生地,金中精品民宿、金牛特色民宿等,是都市白领养生度假地的首选。 村落:金牛村、金中村 电话:(0571)64240658 Fuchun Mountain Leisure Villages The Fuchun mountain leisure villages, adjacent to the Daqishan National Forest Park and Barbizon Vacation Resort, boasts their graceful ecological environment and quite some health resorts as Tongjuntang Medicine Hall, Sun Villa, Hongdoushan Healthcare Base. Meanwhile, excellent folk houses at Jinzhong and Jinniu provide the first choice of health resort for white-collar workers from cities. Villages: Jinniu Village, Jinzhong Village Tel: (0571)64240658
凤凰谷村 这里青山环抱,溪流清澈,风光秀美。凤凰谷可激荡漂流,纳凉戏水;横山畈农业观光园为省级粮食功能区,能体验农事、黑木耳采摘;圭峰寺、凤市古街、范蠡归隐地文化底蕴深。 村落:儒桥村、里湖村、大路村 电话:(0571)64398899
Phoenix Village The beautiful Phoenix Village is nestled in green mountains, with clear streams going through, providing the best resort of swimming and rafting in summer days. Hengshanfan Agricultural Sightseeing Garden has been listed as Provincial Food Functional Area, where you can participate in farming and pick edible black fungus. Guifeng temple, Fengshi old streets, General Fanli’s hermitage are best known for their rich cultural heritage. Villages: Ruqiao Village, Lihu Village, Dalu Village Tel: (0571)64398899
桃源村 桃源村山水风光秀丽、自然生态环境优越,知名旅游品牌多。桃源谷、神仙峰户外拓展项目齐全,是休闲野营理想之地,桃源福地·卡森庄园风情足,坞口水库休闲垂钓乐趣多。 村落:桃源村 电话:(0571)64361707 Taoyuan Village Taoyuan Village has beautiful natural scenery, superior ecological environment and many well-known tourism brands. A full set of outdoor sports are offered at Taoyuan Valley and Shenxian Peak, making it the ideal place for camping. Visitors can also have fun at Taoyuan Fudi Carson Manor or go fishing by the Wukou Reservoir. Village: Taoyuan Village Tel: (0571)64361707
陇西才子村 陇西村历史悠久、年代久远,且人才辈出,最著名的是吴氏出了十八个教授,因此陇西村也被称为教授村、才子村。可登高清明山,赏小坞龙水库如画风景,访村落人文古迹,一派田园山村景色。 村落:陇西村 电话:(0571)64686689 Longxi Gifted Village Longxi village with a long history has produced more talents than seems possible. The Wu family is best known for its 18 professors among descendants, so Longxi Village is also called Professor Village or Gifted Village. Its pastoral surroundings make it possible to climb Qingming Mountain to enjoy a breathtaking vista, to appreciate the artistic landscape of Xiaowulong reservoir or tour among human heritages inside the village. Villages: Longxi Village Tel: (0571)64686689
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