桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
访·美丽乡村 Enjoying the Enchanting Villages
访·美丽乡村 Enjoying the Enchanting Villages 向上望,水顶山上溪水潺潺,满目清翠;向下瞰,村庄笼罩在淡淡的山谷烟雾中,仿佛一阕充满意境的诗令。可谓是“雨沛阳和暖气催,山清水秀唱春回”。桐庐的乡村是笔墨流韵的画卷,穿行其间,绿树成荫,鸟语花香。顷刻间,心与自然契合,如空中飞翔的鸟儿、水中畅游的鱼儿般自由自在,烦忧尽忘。 Looking up the Shuiding Mountain, what one’s hearing reaches are brooks’ gurgling and what one’s sight reaches are verdant grasslands and green trees; looking down the hills, the thin haze enshrouds the village, which brings the classical image from a Chinese poetry to greet the eyes. “The abundant rainfall and the warmth of the sunny radiance reveal, while the praises of spring waiting for charming and picturesque scenery to appeal”. Tonglu villages open a Chinese ink-wash scroll painting where you may find trees shading, birds tweeting and flowers blossoming in a vivacious manner. In an instant, the heart resonates with nature, being carefree like flying birds up high and swimming fish down the water.
古村探秘 Tour in Ancient Villages 江南古村落群(AAAA) 位于江南镇,由深澳、荻浦、环溪、徐畈、青源等古村组成,具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴,保存大量明清和民国期间的古建筑,可以寻找精美古建筑,探访古水系之谜,品尝地方小吃,感受孝义文化、爱莲文化……乐哉悠哉! 地址:江南镇深澳村、荻浦村、环溪村 电话:0571-69960071 Jiangnan Ancient Village Group (AAAA) It is located in Jiangnan Town, consisting of Shen’ao Village, Dipu Village, Huanxi Village, Xufan Village, and Qing’yuan Village, which all enjoy a long history and rich cultural heritage. Visitors may tour through the magnificent ancient complex from Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China, explore the mystery of ancient underground water system, try out some local snacks, or visitors may experience the local culture characterized by devotion to parents and loyalty to friends and the local Lotus-admiring culture. What a life of dolce far niente! Address: Shen’ao Village, Dipu Village, Huanxi Village, Jiangnan Town Tel:0571-69960071
深澳村 始建于南宋,有“江南第一井,南宋第一村”之称,为中国历史文化名村。现共有明清和民国时期古建筑200多处,坎井17口。可漫步于悠长老街,在民国记忆·咖啡吧和云夕·深澳里,追忆旧时时光。
Shen’ao Village Shen’ao Village was initially built at the time of Southern Song Dynasty,boasting “the most marvelous well of South of the Yangtze River” and known as the finest village in the Southern Song Dynasty, and was listed one of the Chinese Historical and Cultural Villages. There are more than 200 ancient buildings from Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China, under which there are 17 karez. Visitors may stroll along the old alleys in the village, and have a drink in those local cafés, like Café in the Republic of China, Clouds Shen’aoli café, to recall the past memory.
荻浦村 位于江南镇东部,是桐南申屠氏的发源地。这里有宋代的范井,明代的水系,清代的石坊、庙庵、祠堂、民居等。荻浦立足于“孝义文化”,建设孝义文化长廊,展示荻浦村的孝义美德和中国二十四孝子典故及绿化景观。 Dipu Village Dipu Village is located in the east of Jiangnan Town, where the Shentu Family of the Southern Tonglu originated. It boasts the Fan well from Song Dynasty, the underground water system from Ming Dynasty, stone archways, temples, ancestral temples, folk houses from Qing Dynasty. The Cultural Corridor of Devotion (to parents) and Loyalty (to friends) has been built in accordance with the local morality, demonstrating both local Dipu virtues and Chinese allusion of 24 famous dutiful sons.
环溪村 环溪村是《爱莲说》作者、历史上著名哲学家周敦颐后裔的聚居地。拥有著名的爱莲堂、尚志堂、安澜桥、保安桥等众多古建筑,周氏祠堂——爱莲堂,始建于明嘉靖年间,与周敦颐有着割不断的血脉渊源。 Huanxi Village Huanxi Village has been the home to descendants of Zhou Dunyi, author of the famous poetic essay Love of Water Lily, also one of the most renowned philosophers throughout Chinese history. Reserving numerous old buildings, such as Ailian Hall, Shangzhi Hall, Anlan Bridge, Bao’an Bridge, the village boasts the Zhou ancestral hall—the Ailian Hall (Water Lily –admiring Hall) which was built in Jiajing Reign Period of Ming Dynasty, proudly presenting the inalienable connections with their ancestor Zhou Dunyi.
翙岗古村 翙岗村是国家级传统村落和省级历史文化村落,村落有大批古建筑群,可参观古街建筑、华林寺院、水系风水等,感受刘伯温、李康等名人文化,到纳尼亚农庄体验草莓、白毛猕猴桃等水果采摘活动。 地址:翙岗村 电话:0571-64261867 Huigang Village Huigang Village is one of the Traditional Chinese Villages and Provincial Historic and Cultural Villages, characterized by a large number of ancient complex, where visitors can tour among the old architectures, or visit Hualin Temple, or even admire the Fengshui of old water systems. Tourists can either immerse themselves in the historical culture by knowing about historical figures of Liu Bowen and Li Kang, or experience farm life if they go to Nania Farm to pick strawberries and white kiwi fruits. Address: Huigang Village Tel: 0571-64261867
彰坞村 彰坞村自然环境优美,历史底蕴深厚,“古传说多”、“古建筑多”,传统技艺知名,彰坞的狮毛龙文化,从明清初流传至今,是桐庐县重要的民俗文化,已被列入杭州市第一批非物质文化遗产保护名录。 村落:彰坞村 电话:(0571)69960071 Zhangwu Village Zhangwu Village is a place with beautiful natural scenery and profound historical significance, enjoying a high reputation of “numerous ancient legends” and “numerous ancient buildings”. Some traditional arts and craftsmanship like the “dragon-with-lion-hair dance” tradition can trace back from early Ming and Qing Dynasties, and has been listed in the first Hangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List, due to its significance to Tonglu’s folk culture. Village:Zhangwu Village Tel:(0571)69960071
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