桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
天目溪漂流 Tianmu River Rafting 素有“溪有十八滩,一滩高一滩”之说,漂流全程约5公里。坐在竹筏上,悠悠荡荡,赏两岸田园风光,对山歌、吃竹筒饭、打水仗,惬意无限。 地址:瑶琳镇毕浦码头 电话:0571-64376173 票价:110元/人(双漂)、65元/人(竹筏)、50元/人(皮筏) Tianmu River Rafting There is a saying that " eighteen beaches along the river, one is higher than the other". You can take this 5-kilometer rafting tour to see idyllic views, sing folk songs, eat bamboo rice and have water fights. What a complete relaxation! Address: Bipu Wharf, Yaolin Town Tel: +86 0571 64376173 Price: RMB 110/person (Double Drift), RMB 65/person (Bamboo Raft), RMB 50/person (Inflated Raft)
户外拓展 Outdoor Sports
神仙峰 这里有瀑有潭有崖,是户外拓展的好去处。基地现有可容纳500人次的帐篷露营,并提供热水、溪潭、淋浴等配套设施。 地址:瑶琳镇桃源村(近瑶琳仙境) 电话:0571-64372688 网址:www.huwaity.com Shenxian Peak The waterfall, pools, and cliffs make the Shenxian Peak a wonderful place for outdoor sports. Now it can accommodate 500 people camping, and provide facilities like hot water, steam pool, and shower etc. Address: Taoyuan Village, Yaolin Town (Near the Yaolin Wonderland) Tel:0571-64372688 Website:www.huwaity.com
纪龙山野营景区 纪龙山位于浙江桐庐瑶林镇冷坞,海拔800米,可登山攀岩、熔洞探险、悬崖速降、定向寻宝、篝火晚会、帐篷露营、丛林枪战、自助烧烤、埋锅做饭。 地址:瑶琳镇东琳村冷坞 电话:0571-64371876 网址:www.tlxty.cn
Jilong Mountain Camping Site The Jilong Mountain, located in Lengwu Village, Yaolin Town, Tonglu, Zhejiang Province, 800 meters above the sea level, is a wonderful camping site for rock climbing, cave expedition, cliff gliding, treasure hunting, bonfire party, jungle gunfight, barbecue and picnic. Address: Lengwu Village, Yaolin Town, Tonglu Tel: 0571-64371876 Website: www.tlxty.cn
桃源谷 桃源谷拥有40米左右的徒手攀岩区,山顶是一片自摘果园;在旁边的石林还可参与定向越野;山脚的水塘则是垂钓爱好和户外运动者的理想之地。 地址:瑶琳镇瑶琳仙境旁 电话:0571-64311398 网址:www.tlclj.com Taoyuan Valley Taoyuan Valley contains a 40-meter rock climbing area. On the mountain top there is an orchard to pick fruits, beside the valley there is a stone forest for hiking, and at the foot of the mountain there are pools for fishing and outdoor sports. Address: Next to the Yaolin Wonderland, Yaolin Town Tel: 0571-64311398 Website:www.tlclj.com
青源谷 青源谷设有镭射野战区和团队拓展区,露营装备、烧烤、音响设备齐全,还配有老式露天电影机。 地址:江南镇青源村 电话:13805764701 网址:www.tlqyg.com Qingyuan Valley Qingyuan Valley has areas for the laser field fighting training and the group outward-bound training, with supporting facilities like camping, BBQ, audio equipments and outdoor movie projectors. Address: Qingyuan Village, Jiangnan Town Tel:13805764701 Website:www.tlqyg.com
溪舍基地 基地将徒步穿越、登山、攀岩、悬崖速降、野外露营、野炊、溪降、漂流、探险等集合于一体,是一个适合体验式培训、户外亲子、山野美食的好地方。 地址:合村乡高凉亭村 电话:0571-64620111 网站:www.xihouse.cn Xishe Training Base This training base integrates field hiking, rock climbing, cliff gliding, field camping, rafting and exploring, is a wonderful place for the experience-based training, outdoor family activities, and wild foods. Address:Gaoliangting Village, Hecun Town Tel:0571-64620111 Website:www.xihouse.cn
金萧支队基地: 集餐饮、住宿、会议、晚会为一体,基地通过结合红色拓展培训、重走革命路、军事化体验、红色亲子活动、野外求生、雪水云绿茶文化等,让拓展者深切感受红色魅力。 地址:新合乡新四村山桑坞 电话:0571-69910198 Jinxiao Training Base This base is a theme training area providing dining and accommodation, for holding meetings and parties. It aims to let visitors experience the red charm by theme field training, revolution trail, military training, red-revolution themed family activities, field survival training, and tea ceremony, etc. Address: Shansangwu, Xinsi Village, Xinhe Town Tel: 0571-69910198
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