桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
Baiyunyuan Scenic Spot Characterized by mountain canyon scenery, wild valleys, green streams, deep pools, grotesque stones, multiple waterfalls, lush woods and open grasslands, this spot is also awarded as “the Jiangnan Jiuzhaigou”. Address: Meishuwu Village, Fuchunjiang Town Tel: +86 0571 64668587 Price: RMB 65/person
雪水岭 景区崇山峻岭,林木苍翠,涧水顺山势自峭壁悬崖飞泻而下,形成就潭九瀑,落差俱数十米,为桐庐境内第一瀑布群。 地址:新合乡新合村 电话:0571-64217330 票价:60元/人 Snow Water Ridge Surrounded by steep mountains and verdant trees, the water here is plunging from the sharp cliffs and dropping abruptly to the bottom. Nine pools and nine falls are thus formed here, with the drops of tens of meters. In Tonglu, this group of waterfalls ranks the top. Address: Xinhe Village, Xinhe Town Tel: +86 0571 64217330 Price: RMB 60/person
琴溪香谷 琴溪香谷又称“状元谷”,峡谷内山崖峭立、古藤缠绕、琴溪流淌,冬暖夏凉,另还有独特的“三奇一绝”景观。 地址:瑶琳镇琴溪村 电话:0571-64378618 票价:50元/人 Qinxi Valley Qinxi Valley is also known as “Zhuangyuan Valley” (Chinese words “Zhuangyuan” means “top scorer”). It is a wonderland where cliffs rise up, vines wrap around and streams tinkle away. The weather here is pleasant, warm in winter and cool in summer. Other unique views as “Three wonders and One Greatness” are also presenting in this valley. Address: Qinxi Village, Yaolin Town Tel: +86 0571 64378618 Price: RMB 50/person
历史人文 History and Humanity
桐君山 桐君山有“小金山”、“浮玉山”之称,是中药鼻祖桐君行医济世之地,登高祭拜桐君老人,揽富春江全景。 地址:桐君街道桐君山脚 电话:0571-64622945 票价:10元/人,七里扬帆:40元/人 Mountain of Mr. Tong Entitled as “Little Golden Mountain” and “Jade Mountain’, Mountain of Mr. Tong is the living place where Mr. Tong, the founder of traditional Chinese medicine, practiced medicines to help others. Here visitors can climb up the mountain, worship Mr. Tong and command a panoramic view of the Fuchun River. Address: Mountain of Mr. Tong, Tongjun District Tel: +86 0571 64622945 Price: RMB 10/person Qiliyangfan (landscape gallery along the Fuchun River): RMB 40/person
圆通禅寺 中国最早的四大观音古道场之一,素有“浙西普陀”之称。景区以圆通禅寺为核心,集佛教文化、民俗特色、石雕艺术为一体的佛教文化旅游祈福胜地。 地址:圆通路15号 电话:0571-64600723 票价:50元/人 Yuantong Temple Yuantong Temple is one of China's earliest four residences of Avalokitesvara, admired as “the Putuo Temple of Western Zhejiang”. With Yuantong Temple at its core, this scenic area is a popular place for worshiping and famous for its mixture of Buddhist arts, folk characteristics and exquisite stone carvings. Address: No. 15 Yuantong Road Tel: +86 0571 64600723 Price: RMB 50/person
红灯笼乡村家园 红灯笼乡村家园是首批杭州市非遗旅游经典景区,由外婆家、小木屋度假区、农艺观光园、乡间露营村四大区块组成,可踩高跷、编竹筐、听越剧等,充满浓郁的民俗风情。 地址:瑶琳镇皇甫村冷坑 电话:0571-64371329 票价:50元/人 Red Lanterns Rural Homes Listed in the first batch of Hangzhou intangible cultural heritage tourism attractions, Red Lanterns Rural Homes holds a collection of Grandma's house, cabin resort, agricultural sightseeing garden and rural camping. The recreational projects here like walking on stilts, weaving bamboo baskets and watching Yue operas are rich in folk customs. Address: Lengkeng, Huangpu Village, Yaolin Town Tel: +86 0571 64371329 Price: RMB 50/person
动感漂流 Dynamic Rafting
雅鲁激流探险·大溪峡闯滩 闯滩全程8公里,垂直落差198米,闯滩体验气势磅礴,让您在巅峰激情中尊享王者归来! 以大落差、大水量、大风景、大刺激、大格局引领国际前沿户外运动时尚标杆。 地址:合村乡合村村 电话:0571-64396000 票价:180元/人 Yalu Gorge Torrent Adventure · Daxi Chuang Beach Stretching a length of 8 kilometers and a vertical drop of 198 meters, the Chuang Beach is really magnificent and breathtaking. Just enjoy the passion, embrace the courage, take an adventure and return as a king. Featured by big drop, large water, grand view, great excitement and magnificent layout, it sets an example for the international outdoor sports and always stays on the cutting edge. Address: Hecun Village, Hecun Town Tel: +86 0571 64396000 Price: RMB 180/person
虎啸峡漂流 五岳归来不看山,虎啸归来不嬉水。10公里奇异峡谷、260米垂直落差,百万方库容的磅礴水量,引领潮流的速度与激情,心跳、尖叫、专业,尽在桐庐虎啸峡景区! 地址:钟山乡城下村 电话:0571-64333000 票价:180元/人 Tiger Roaring Gorge Rafting It is said, “No interest to see any other mountains after climbing up the five holy ones, no interest to play with water after rafting in the Tiger Roaring Gorge.” Gifted with a 10-kilometer fantastic gorge and a 260-meter vertical drop, the fast and furious rafting leads the trend. Heartbeats, screams and professional trials are vigorously emerging in this gorge. Address: Chengxia Village, Zhongshan Town Tel: +86 0571 64333000 Price: RMB 180/person
百岁峡抢滩 百岁峡以水为绝、以林冠幽、以峰称奇,2.8公里的神秘峡谷分翠湖水世界、九曲湾探险、峡谷大冲浪,可以在大自然怀抱中尽情领略水中的快乐和激情。 地址:瑶琳镇百岁村洪沙坪 电话:0571-64365609 票价:120元/人 Baisui Gorge Beach Renowned for its unique water, deep woods and peculiar peaks, this mysterious gorge covers a length of 2.8 km, including Cuihu Water World, Jiuquwan Exploration and Gorge Surfing. In the arms of nature, tourists can fully enjoy the water-playing with flaming joy and passion. Address: Hongshaping, Baisui Village, Yaolin Town Tel: +86 0571 64365609 Price: RMB 120/person
凤凰谷漂流 凤凰谷漂流全场1850米,这里山清水秀,生气盎然,飞浪击石,推珠落玉,被誉为天然氧吧,这里山高水长,水流湍急,溪水清澈碧绿,尖叫声不绝于耳,欢乐声填满山谷。 地址:桐庐县分水镇儒桥村 电话:0571-64398899 票价:130元/人 Phoenix Valley Rafting With a length of 1850 meters, Phoenix Valley is surrounded by picturesque sights, flying waves, jumping stones, towering mountains and fast-flowing streams. Echoes of screams and laughs can be heard without end in this Natural Oxygen Bar. Address: Ruqiao Village, Fenshui Town, Tonglu Tel: +86 0571 64398899 |
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