fondo 衣服工厂诚招2名做礼服的师傅 工资高
fondo 衣服工厂诚招2名做礼服的师傅 工资高 有补贴 备居留 676216830
桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
制笔业 分水镇桐庐制笔产业集中地,先后荣获“中国制笔之乡”、“中国笔类出口基地”、“中国圆珠笔生产基地”等荣誉称号。2015年,全镇共有制笔及配套企业992家,全行业实现销售收入62.8亿元。中国(分水)笔业国际博览中心项目更是旨在将分水打造成名副其实的“中国笔业第一城”,让分水制笔从"世界人均一支笔"向"世界人均一支好笔"转变。 Pen-making Industry Fenshui Town is the center of Tonglu pen-making industry. It was honored successively as the “Hometown of Pen-making in China”, “Export Base of Chinese Pens”, and “Manufacturing Base of Chinese Ballpoint Pen”. In 2015, there were 992 pen manufacturing and supporting enterprises, with the sales revenue of 6.28 billion RMB. The Program of China (Fenshui) International Pen Expo Center especially aims at making Fenshui a genuine “First Pen City in China” and turning “everyone in the world has a pen made in Fenshui” to “everyone in the world owns a good pen made in Fenshui”.
针纺服装业 横村镇是桐庐轻纺针织产业的主要分布地,主要生产针织服装、帽子、围巾、手套等产品,远销欧、美、日等国家和地区。全镇针织企业达 695 家,2015年实现工业总产值 80.6 多亿元,被誉为“中国针织名镇”、“中国出口毛衫制造基地”、“浙江省针织出口基地”等,是世界针织名牌服饰的重要生产基地。 Textile and Apparel Industry Hengcun Town is the main area for light textile and knitting industry with knitwear, hats, scarves, gloves and other products produced here and exported to Europe, America and Japan etc. There are 695 knitting enterprises in the town and the gross value of industrial output in 2015 is over 8.06 billion. It is honored as “Famous Textile and Knitting Town in China”, “Sweater Manufacturing Export Base in China”, and “Zhejiang Knitting Export Base” and so on. It is also an important production base of world famous brand knitting clothing.
发电设备制造 桐庐富春江镇是“全国水力发电设备制造基地”,占地3075亩的富春江机械功能区被杭州市列为10大产业转型升级示范区之一,已成为华东地区重要的机械制造生产基地,区内有高新技术企业17家,省级研发中心5家,市级研发中心4家,以水力发电设备为主打的机械制造业,已成为最具特色的机械制造块状经济。 Power Equipment Industry Fuchunjiang Town is the “National Hydroelectric Power Equipment Manufacturing Base”. The Fuchunjiang professional mechanical function area, an area of 3075 mu, is listed by Hangzhou government as one of the ten industrial transformation and upgrading demonstration zones and is the important machine manufacturing production base in eastern China. There are 17 new and high technology enterprises, 5 provincial-level R & D Centers, 4 municipal-level R & D Centers in the zone. The mechanical manufacturing industry with its main production of hydroelectric power generating equipment has become the most distinctive massive economy of machine manufacturing.
医疗器械 桐庐是医疗器械生产基地,已形成以生产内窥镜及微创手术器械为主的产业群体,建有省、市级研发(技术)中心7家,省级高新技术企业8家,市级高新技术企业9家。涌现出了“天松股份”、“康基医疗”、“优视医疗”、“光典医疗”、“申达斯奥医疗”等知名企业,还曾荣膺“浙江省医疗器械高新技术产业基地”和“中国医用内镜产业基地”称号。 Medical Apparatus & Instruments As the medical equipment production base, Tonglu has formed the industry group focusing on the production of endoscope and minimally invasive surgical instruments. There are 7 provincial and municipal level technology centers, 8 provincial high and new technology enterprises and 9 municipal high and new technology enterprises. Many well-known enterprises have emerged, such as Zhejiang Tiansong Medical Instruments Co., Ltd, Hangzhou Kangji Medical Instruments Co., Ltd, Tonglu Youshi Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, Guandian Medical Instrument Co, Ltd, and Shengdasiao Medical Instrument Co, Ltd. Tonglu has also won the title of “Zhejiang New and High-Tech Industry Base of Medical Apparatus and Instruments” and “China Industrial Base Medical Endoscope”.
智慧安防 智慧安防小镇位于我县富春江科技城主城区,规划面积3.48平方公里。小镇以智慧安防产业为核心,以智慧安防产品生产、硬件研发制造、软件研发、应用示范、物联产业等项目为载体。海康威视、英飞特等项目落户于此,进一步提升安防产业综合实力,带动相关产业更好发展。 Intelligent Security Intelligent security town is located in the main district of the Fuchunjiang sci-tech city, with its planning area of 3.48 square kilometers. With intelligent security industry as its core, the town regards the production of intelligent security products, research and development of hardware manufacturing, software development, application demonstration, and industrial projects of instrument as the carrier. Enterprises like Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (the world’s largest supplier of video surveillance products and solutions), Inventronics Electronic Co.(a world’s leading supplier of LED drivers) have already settled here. It will further enhance the overall strength of the security industry and make the relevant industries for a better development.
智慧电商 桐庐是阿里巴巴农村发展战略全国首个试点县,是“农村淘宝”项目全国首个县级运营中心、“农村淘宝”第一单。全县建成3个县级核心电商产业园、6个乡镇孵化园、8个本地电商支撑平台、9个电商仓储物流平台,已成为“浙江省电子商务示范县”、“中国电子商务发展百强县”。 Intelligent E-Commerce Tonglu is the first national pilot county of Alibaba’s rural development strategy. It is also the first national operation center at the county level in the “Rural Taobao” project and the first deal of “Rural Taobao”. With the establishment of 3 core county level E-commerce industrial parks, 6 township incubators, 8 local E-commerce supporting platforms, 9E-commerce warehousing and logistics platforms, Tonglu is awarded as the “Zhejiang E-Commerce Demonstration County”, and listed in the “China Top 100 E-commerce Counties”.
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