桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
品·潇洒之城 Appreciating the Charming City
品·潇洒之城 Appreciating the Charming City 来到一座城市,总是要细细体会这座城市的独特味道。漫步在大街小巷,寻找各色饕餮美味,富春江畔的江鲜诱惑着味蕾。白天,在购物街淘淘土特产和新鲜货;夜晚,幽坐在茶馆或咖啡馆,静静享受夜色的迷离。 Upon arriving in a new city, travelers are always longing to taste the unique flavor of the city. Wandering in the streets and alleys and looking for all kinds of delicacies, they will find the freshwater fishes from the Fuchun River are irresistibly delicious. During the day, visitors can pick out the local specialties and exotic goods in shopping streets. When night falls, they can sit quietly in a teahouse or a café, enjoying the fascinating color of the night.
旅游节庆 桐庐的山花节、亲水节、茶休闲文化节等节庆品牌效应日益凸显,并被纳入西博会、休博会等省市节庆内容中向外推广。中国休闲乡村旅游季是长三角最具影响力的节庆活动品牌,凭借中国休闲乡村旅游季,桐庐还被中国人类学民族节庆专委会评为“最具魅力节庆城市”。 Festival Celebrations The brand effect of Tonglu’s festival celebrations such as Mountain Flower Festival, Fuchun River Water-Loving Festival, Tea Culture Festival has become increasingly prominent. Besides, they are promoted to the public by being included in provincial or municipal festivals like West Lake Expo, The Leisure Exposition and so on. China Leisure Rural Tourism Season is the most influential festival brand in the Yangtze River Delta, and because of that, Tonglu is awarded as “China’s Most Attractive Festival City” by The National Festival Committee of CUAES.
Mid-to-late March Yangshanfan Village, Hengcun Town China Leisure Rural Tourism Season, Opening Ceremony of Mountain Flower Festival Early April Gewu Village, Zhongshan Town Tianzungongya Tea Festival April(The 3rd of the 3rd lunar month) The She Ethnic Area, Eshan Town “The 3rd of the 3rd Lunar Month” She Ethnic Culture Festival April – October All the towns and villages in Tonglu Rural Leisure Carnival, Country Entertainment Park Show May - June Tonglu International B&B (Bed and Breakfast) Development Forum Mid-to-late June Yan Ziling Fishing Platform, Jiangnan Dragon Bay, River Drafting Scenic Spot Charming Tonglu -Fuchun River Water-Loving Festival Mid-to-late September Tonglu China’s Country Tourism Investment Fair September – November Luci Village, Fuchunjiang Town The Slow Life Experience Day in Luci Mid-to-late October Fenshui Town Country Music Festival Late October Tonglu Fuchun River (both sides) Culture Marathon 乡土民俗 Local Folk Custom “十六回切”家宴 “十六回切”家宴在桐庐极为有名,起于南宋,盛于明清,有着“桐庐满汉全席”之称。筵席以16道茶点或菜肴为一个回合,回切就是切换的意思,故名为“十六回切”。其菜品、菜肴色香味俱全,筵席程序规范,文化内涵丰富,中有江南丝竹伴奏,司仪唱菜唱名,跑堂吆喝上菜,十分喜庆。 推荐点:桐君山·七里人家 地址:桐君山脚电话:0571 -64623779 “Sixteen Rounds” Family Feast “Sixteen Rounds” Family Feast is admired as “Manchu Han Imperial Feast of Tonglu” and enjoys a high reputation there, which originated in the Southern Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The feast takes 16 refreshments or dishes as a round, switching from one round to the next. Huiqie means switchover, thus it was named “Sixteen Rounds”. “Sixteen Rounds” not only has a perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance and formal banquet procedures, but also has a rich cultural connotation. Accompanied with Jiangnan Sizhu music, the emcee reports the dish names and the waiters call out to serve the dishes, adding to the gaiety of the occasion. Recommended restaurant: Qilirenjia, Mountain of Mr. Tong Address: the foot of Mountain of Mr. Tong Tel: 0571 -64623779
江南时节 桐庐时节的风俗起自宋元,盛于明清,延续至今,是桐庐江南人的老传统,其以农村民间美食为主,通过“过时节”的方式交流感情、商品、信息、文化娱乐活动,更有舞龙灯、耍狮子、举灯会、演大戏等,热闹非凡,被列入“市级非物质文化遗产名录”。 Jiangnan Season Tonglu Season is an old custom for local people with its originating from the Song and Yuan Dynasties and reaching the peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. During the Season, local people enjoy rural specialties and share their happiness, commodities, information and recreational activities especially the Dragon Lantern Dance, the Lion Dance, the Lantern Festival, the Drama shows and so on which have been listed in the Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage.
“桐庐民间剪纸” 桐庐剪纸是中国南方剪纸的典型代表之一,其内容丰富、形式新颖,桐庐当代剪纸尤以山水剪纸见长,在中国剪纸艺术领域有着一定的地位。2003年,桐庐县被文化部命名为“中国民间艺术(剪纸)之乡”。2007年,桐庐剪纸被列入浙江省非物质文化遗产保护名录。 推荐点: 桐庐民间剪纸艺术馆地址:白云源路1398号电话:0571-58507877 胡家芝剪纸艺术馆地址:桐君街262号电话:0571-69911278 Tonglu Folk Paper-cutting Tonglu Paper-cutting is typical among the paper-cutting in South China by its rich contents and novel forms. Tonglu contemporary paper-cutting is known for its landscape patterns and has its status in the field of Chinese paper-cutting art. In 2003, Tonglu was named as “Hometown of Chinese Folk Arts (Paper-cutting)” by the Ministry of Culture. And in 2007, Tonglu Paper-cutting was listed in Zhejiang Province’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. Recommended places: Tonglu Folk Paper-cutting Art Gallery; Address: No. 1398 Baiyunyuan Street Tel: 0571-58507877 Hu Jiazhi Papper-cutting Art Gallery; Address: No. 262 Tongjun Road Tel: 0571-69911278
“桐庐百姓日” 5月6日是桐庐的解放日。如今,这一天又被赋予了新的含义——“百姓日”,一个让桐庐老百姓感受浓浓幸福的日子。不光在桐庐县城里,镇里、村里处处有活动,“桐庐百姓日”已经成为桐庐人的专属节日。当天在桐庐县内,公立医院免收挂号费,公交、农村营运线路可以免费乘坐,老百姓可以凭发放的票(券)免费浏览桐庐主要景点,免费看越剧、看电影、欢唱KTV等。 Tonglu People’s Day May 6th is the Liberation Day for Tonglu people. Nowadays, this day has been given a new meaning –People’s Day, on which Tonglu people feel great happiness. A variety of activities can be seen everywhere not only in the downtown of Tonglu, but also in its towns and villages. “Tonglu People’s Day” has already become an exclusive holiday for Tonglu people. On this day, all the public hospital registration, public transportation and operation routes in rural areas are free. Besides, people could visit Tonglu’s main scenic spots for free of charge with the released tickets. It’s also free to see Yue opera, watch movies and sing karaoke etc.
特色产业 桐庐位于杭州都市经济圈和义乌商圈重合部,民营经济十分发达。其发快递物流、制笔、针纺服装、电设备制造、医疗器械等主导产业已经形成了较为明显的特色产业集群。尤其是快递业非常发达,桐庐被誉为“中国民营快递之乡”。 Featured Industry Tonglu, whose private-run economy is well developed, is located in the overlapping regions between Hangzhou metropolitan economic zone and Yiwu trading area. It has some leading industries such as express logistics, pen manufacture, textiles and apparel, electronic devices production, medical apparatus and instruments, etc., which has formed a distinctive featured industry cluster. The express industry in Tonglu is highly developed and therefore Tonglu is regarded as the “Hometown of Private Express in China”.
快递物流 桐庐被誉为“中国民营快递业的发源地”,“三通一达”(申通、圆通、中通、韵达)其掌门人全部来自桐庐。配送网点22000多个,年营业额1000多亿元,占据全国快递行业60%的市场份额,被授予“中国民营快递之乡”称号。2015年11月,首届中国(杭州)国际快递业大会在桐庐召开,来自15个国家和地区的600多位快递从业人员齐聚,探讨未来五年中国快递产业发展思路和走向,大会永久性会址落户桐庐。 Express Logistics Tonglu is known as the “Birthplace of Private Express” in China. The founders of China’s four major express companies (STO, YTO, ZTO and YUNDA) are all from Tonglu. These companies have more than 22,000 distribution branches, and the annual turnover has exceeded 100 billion RMB, which makes up the 60% market share of Chinese express industry. It is regarded as the “Hometown of Private Express” in China. In November 2015, the first China Express Industrial (International) Development Conference was held in Tonglu and more than 600 people engaging in express industry from 15 countries and regions got together here to discuss the developing ideas and trends of Chinese express industry in the coming five years.
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