fondo 衣服工厂诚招2名做礼服的师傅 工资高
fondo 衣服工厂诚招2名做礼服的师傅 工资高 有补贴 备居留 676216830
桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
石舍香樟·芦茨土屋 石舍香樟与芦茨土屋共同构成了一处承载自然梦想的原生态体验乐园。石舍香樟每个营地都有独立的烧烤区域和木屋。芦茨土屋依山而建,原木搭建的房子与山连成一体。 地址:富春江镇石舍村、芦茨村 电话:0571-64668358 “Stone& Camphor” Luci Folk House Inspired by the nature, this folk house, called “Shishe Xiangzhang & Luci Tuwu” in Chinese, integrating natural resources stone houses with camphor trees, is an ecological park where tourists can experience the beauty of the nature. Each camp in “Shishe Xiangzhang” has its own BBQ area and wooden lodge. “Luci Tuwu” is a mountainside B&B, made of woods, in great harmony with the nature. Address: Shishe Village, Luci Village, Fuchunjiang Town Tel:0571-64668358
石舍方户 民宿客栈建筑设计独特,就地取材,手工劳作,环保用材,挑鹅卵石砌墙,用黄泥石灰猪毛粉墙,化艺术为神奇。十个房间土中有洋,别出心裁。 地址:富春江镇石舍村 电话:13588219188 “Shishe Fanghu” Stone House This folk house, called “Shishe Fanghu” in Chinese, has very unique design. It was completely built with local materials. The wall was made of cobble stones, and painted with the mixture of mud, lime and the powder of gray pig hairs. All ten rooms here are quite distinctive, revealing the magic of arts. Address: Shishe Village, Fuchunjiang Town Telephone: 13588219188
岩朵 岩朵位于通往白云源的大路边,背靠大山,门前小溪。吧台的高脚凳,大厅的手鼓、吉他,角落的铁艺饰品,岩朵主打轻工业风,房间分成了五种房型,双人、榻榻米、大床,还有超级让人心动的星空房。 地址:富春江镇坞头5号(近白云源景区门口) 电话:18901610001 Yanduo Village Inn Located on the way to the Baiyunyuan Scenic Area and backed by mountains, Yanduo Village Inn is a streamside folk house. Featured with light industrial style, its front desk goes with bar stools, and its lounge is equipped with Tambourine, guitar and iron ornaments. Rooms here are in four types, double room, tatami room, the king-size bed rooms, and starry rooms, which are super attractive. Address: No.5 Wutou Village (near the entrance of Baiyunyuan Scenic Area), Fuchunjiang Town Tel:18901610001
高凉亭小木屋 境内四面高山重叠,群山环绕,溪谷横流,清泉漱石。木屋风格也各具特色,有“花好月圆”中式传统大气牡丹花红木床、“爱琴海”地中海式浪漫圆床,是你放松心情,享受世外桃源生活的绝佳去处。 地址:合村乡高凉亭 电话:15967199588 Gaoliangting Wooden Lodge This stylish lodge is surrounded by overlapped mountains and stream-crossed valleys, with spring creek running down. Featured guest rooms range in style from the traditional Chinese mahogany bed rooms (beds patterned with peony flowers) to Mediterranean romantic round bed rooms. Here is the best place for travelers to stay and enjoy the simple life in Tonglu’s Shangri-La. Address: Gaoliangting, Hecun Xiang Tel: 15967199588
梅洲府 梅洲府是以古旧建筑的修复、改建为基础的民宿,有经济型住宿、独栋高档民宿、会议室和小型办公室、汗蒸区、茶歇区等功能区,适合家庭及亲朋好友聚会或小型商务活动。 地址:桐君街道梅蓉村龚家 电话:0571-64213777 “Meizhou Fu” Folk House This folk house is a repair and reconstruction of the ancient buildings. It provides a variety of accommodations, from low-priced basic bed and breakfast to villas. Conference rooms, small offices, sauna rooms, coffee break areas are also open to guests. This place is suitable for family and friends gatherings and small business activities. Address: Gongjia, Meirong Village, Tongjun Community Tel: 0571-64213777
八曲净舍 八曲净舍主要以佛家禅意文化为主,结合茶艺、儒道文化等,建筑风格复古,蕴含了深厚的历史文化气息。共建有15间房间、2间双层全景别墅,咖啡、茶品、陈年老酒、私房菜等是八曲主人精心为客人准备的美食。 地址:分水镇新龙村牛坞垄 电话:15372423388 “Baqu Jinshe” Folk House This B&B is themed with Buddhism Zen culture, with a combination of tea art and Taoism culture. Its vintage architectural style creates a profound historical and cultural atmosphere. With a total of 15 rooms, this inn has 2 panoramic villas. Here, coffee, tea, vintage wine, and private home cuisine are well prepared for guests by its master. Address: Niuwu Long, Xinlong Village, Fenshui Town Tel: 15372423388 |
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