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桐庐旅游指南Tourist’sGuideto Tonglu 中国画城·潇洒桐庐Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的 ...
桐庐旅游指南 Tourist’s Guide to Tonglu
中国画城·潇洒桐庐 Charming Tonglu, the Painting City of China
“春赏花、夏亲水、秋养生、冬美食”,桐庐四季分明,各具特色,让人流连忘返。历代文人墨客留下了数以千计的描绘富春江的诗词画作,其中最具代表性的莫过于黄公望的传世名画《富春山居图》和范仲淹的《潇洒桐庐郡十咏》,赋予了这座城市“中国画城·潇洒桐庐”的美称。 Tonglu is full of charm in every season, where you can gaze the blooming flowers in spring, swim in the clean rivers in summer, take a good rest in the peaceful autumn, and taste the delicious food in winter. That’s why millions of tourists have come here and many men of letters have ever left their great paintings and poems since the very ancient times. Among those, the most famous painting is entitled “Hermitage in the Fuchun Mountains” by Huang Gongwang(黄公望), an artist of the Yuan Dynasty, which has made Tonglu known as “ the Painting City of China”; the most well-known poems “the Ten Poems for the Ten Spots in Charmimg TongLu ”, by Fan Zhongyan(范仲淹) in the Song Dynasty, which has left a name “Charming Tonglu” ever since.
桐庐位于长三角南翼,地处三江两湖(钱塘江、富春江、新安江、西湖、千岛湖)黄金旅游线的中段,风景秀丽的富春江穿城而过。桐庐是一处难得的山水福地。全县森林覆盖率达72%,年平均空气质量优良天数340天左右,县域83条河流全部实现随时随处能游泳,连续多年实现富春江出境水质优于入境水,首次达到近年来Ⅱ类水质。2015年桐庐荣获“中国最具幸福感县级城市”第一名,“中国最美丽县排行榜”第二名。 Located to the south of the Yangtze River Delta and in the mid-piece of golden travel line between three river reaches (Qiantang River, Fuchun River and Xin’anjiang River) and two lakes (West Lake and the Thousand Island Lake), Tonglu has such a unique landscape, with the beautiful Fuchun River running through it, where 72% of the land is covered with forests, and you can breathe fresh air almost every day (about 340 days in high quality air each year). And among the 83 rivers in Tonglu, each one is clean enough to swim. It’s a magic that its outgoing water is even cleaner than its inflowing one. No wonder it was awarded “the Happiest County in China” and listed the second among “the Top10 Most Beautiful Counties in China” in 2015.
桐庐是一处绝佳的旅游胜地。全县拥有旅游景区(点)35家,其中4A级景区5家。创建有江南古村落群(AAAA)、合村生仙里(AAA)、畲族民俗村落(AAA)以及一大批村落景区。开发有牛栏咖啡、猪栏茶吧、民国记忆等乡村旅游新业态。桐庐是一处商务会展的理想之地。拥有富春江励骏酒店、海博大酒店、开元名都大酒店、雷迪森度假酒店等一批高星级标准建设的酒店,设施完善、服务优质;秘境山乡生活、云夕戴家山、厚院·郑城村舍、不舍·俺的青龙坞、严陵坞慢村、富春漫舍等一大批精品民宿遍布桐庐的美丽乡村。 Typifying a leisure style, Tonglu has become an ideal resort with 35 scenic spots (five of which are 4A spots), which is especially famous for its village tour. Special ways are offered to serve their tourists in many villages, among which Jiangnan Ancient Village Group (4A) is the most well known. Others such as Hecun Village(3A),She Ethnic Folk Village(3A)are also very welcome. Meanwhile, some other special villages are still under construction. In the villages, some local brand services are becoming more and more popular such as Bullpen Coffee, Pigsty Tea and Memory of Republic of China Coffee Bar, giving the rural tourism a new style. However, Tonglu’s charm is not only from its natural beauty, it’s also very attractive to the business conferences and exhibitions, where lots of well-equipped hotels can provide high-quality service, such as Tonglu Fuchun River Legendale Hotel, Haibo Grand Hotel, Kaiyun New Century Grand Hotel, and Radisson Hotels. Other featured folk houses and village inns also deserve special attention for their unique natural environment, such as “Fairyland·Country Life” Folk House, “Clouds·Daijiashan” Folk House, “Courtyard·Zhengcheng” Folk House, “Reminiscence·Qinglongwu” Folk House, “Yanlingwu Mancun” Village Inn and “Fuchun Manshe” Village Inn.
“三吴行尽千山水,犹道桐庐更清美”。走入钟灵毓秀的桐庐,一起踏春赏花、骑游登高、品茗住宿! So come to Tonglu to enjoy the colorful flowers, the clean water, the greenish mountains and the slow life, and you will surely enjoy yourself as the poem suggests, “Travelling all over the places in south of Yangtze River, I’ve found Tonglu the best”, which was written by Su Shi, a very famous poet and great life lover in the Song Dynasty.
1. 国际人居环境示范城市 2. 国际休闲乡村示范区 3. 国际花园城市 4. 第八届中华宝钢环境奖 5. 中国最美县 6. 中国长寿之乡 7. 华夏养生福地 8. 全国文明城市提名城市 9. 全国百强县 10. 全国文化先进县 11. 中国(民间)剪纸之乡 12. 中国书法之乡 13. 国家生态县 14. 国家园林城市 15. 中国优秀旅游名县 16. 中国最美目的地城市 17. 中国品牌节庆示范基地 18. 中国最具魅力节庆城市 19. 全国绿化模范县 20. 国家卫生县城 21. 全国科技工作先进县 22. 中国电子商务发展百佳县 23. 中国水力发电设备制造基地 24. 中国民营快递之乡 25. 中国出口毛衫制造基地 26. 中国制笔之乡 27. 中国蜂产品之乡
1. International Residential Environment Demonstration City 2. International Leisure Village Demonstration Region 3. International Garden City 4. Zhonghua Baosteel Environment Award (8th) 5. Top 10 Beautiful Counties in China 6. The County of Longevity in China 7. The Best Place for Health Preservation in China 8. National Civilized County (nominated) 9. Top 100 Counties in China 10. National Culture Advanced County 11. Chinese Folk Art ( paper-cutting) Village 12. The county of Chinese Calligraphy 13. National Eco-County 14. National Garden City 15. The Best Tour County of China 16. The Most Beautiful Tourist Destination City of China 17. China’s Brand Festival City 18. China’s Most Attractive Festival City 19. National Model City in Greening 20. National Hygiene Advanced County 21. National Advanced County in Science and Technology 22. Top 100 Counties of China’s E-Commerce Development 23. National Hydropower Equipment Manufacturing Base 24. The County of Express Delivery of Chinese Private Enterprises 25. Chinese Sweater-Manufacturing Base for Export 26. The County of Chinese Pen-making Industry 27. The County of Bee Products
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